10 Characteristics of Great Leaders

Just like when we get ready to elect another leader; we need to remember the characteristics of a great leader. Whether in the White House or whether in the workplace, leaders can make or break an organization. A combination of these characteristics is what makes a leader a great one.

  • Visionary: Great leaders have a picture of the future they can describe in great detail. The process of getting from the leader’s vision to actionable and executable steps is done by the management team. A leader’s role is to communicate the vision and to be sure the team understands it.
  • Passion: A leader without passion- well, it just doesn’t exist. Leaders grab on to an idea and are determined to make the idea or dream a reality. They can motivate others to believe and execute their vision into reality.
  • Character: Being a leader means having a set of standards by which you make decisions. This set of standards is your character.
  • Focus: Understanding that multi-tasking leads to less productivity-not more. Leaders are focused on one task at a time.
  • Decision Maker: Because leaders have vision and passion they can make decisions relatively easily. Often, they are made using the Q-CAT system; Quick (not hasty), Committed (not rigid), Analytical (but not suffer analysis paralysis), and Thoughtful (concerned)
  • Engaging in Discussions: Leaders ask and answer questions of their own team. They aren’t afraid to revisit their vision, making changes as needed and depending on circumstances.
  • Driven: As the vision grows to reality a leader understands a plan could change. They are determined to see a project- or a version of a project-to its completion. Great leaders are unstoppable in a way that builds, not destroys, teams and organizations.
  • Listener: A leader who doesn’t listen makes others think they don’t matter. That’s exactly how not to motivate others to follow you. They won’t think you care if you aren’t listening to them.
  • Identify and Develop Other Leaders: There comes a time when the project or organization becomes too big for one leader. Great leaders are constantly mentoring others to lead future organizations.
  • Accountability: Taking responsibility for the good and the bad results are the role of a leader. Great leaders hold themselves and their teams to standards and are accountable to these standards.

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