DISCcompass Coaching
(Available in multiple languages)
Our most comprehensive report for use either in a team-training session or as a development tool. It includes all the main descriptive features, including the 12 Behavioral Tendencies, along with suggested areas for improvement. This report also includes a section about how to recognize the different styles and how to adapt to them.
Screening & Employability
DISCcompass Job
Understanding a job in a behavioral definition gives the flexibility to compare applicant’s behavioral style to the job to understand where the fit is as well as the conflict. This objective comparison promotes the ability to effectively place people in positions where their natural behavioral style matches the requirements of the position. This not only promotes productivity but also job satisfaction and engagement.
DISCcompass Interview
This interview guide gives insight into an applicant’s behavioral style and what you might expect to see as behavioral patterns. It gives insight into an applicant’s Behavioral Style, their Strengths, Work Style Tendencies, Ideal Work Environment, 12 Behavioral Tendencies ranked from most observable to least, and suggested Interview Questions.
This web application incorporates tools to create profiles based on personality of what is necessary for success in the job. An applicant takes the assessment suite the results of which are compared to the ideal profile returning a percentage match. The top matches are reviewed as to insight into their judgment, motivation, and behavioral style.
HireSense does not create a report. It delivers the data needed to make informed hiring decisions. A report is available to document the hired applicant.
HireSense V2
This report created from HireSense results is designed to combine and connect the results of the behavioral, motivational, and thinking style assessments (DISC, Motivators, & Critical Thinking) in one simple, practical, and applicable tool. This report offers insight into: 1) the individual’s behavioral and communication tendencies, 2) what can drive action toward, away, or against others based on values, and 3) how an individual’s processing ability affects the decisions they make and their ability to think critically. The goal of this report is not to be a comprehensive look at each of the full assessment results. Instead, this multi-tool summary report seeks to provide a quick, but detailed overview of some of the most practical, relevant information from each assessment. You are encouraged to purchase the inclusive, full-length reports if you wish to document a HireSense applicant’s results.
JUDGMENTcompass Screen
Once a candidate has passed the Technical, Education and Experience minimums for the job the next step is prioritizing the candidates to go further in the selection process. This assessment will ensure that you eliminate the potential bad hires and increase the number of hires with excellent potential.
JUDGMENTcompass Employability Plus
For the now narrowed applicant pool, the Employability Report is selected to provide any HR manager with the needed information to make better decisions on top candidates and to remove their own bias in the staffing process. It will pinpoint the risk of performance in 20 skill and competency areas and provide interviewing questions to help expose the potential issues. This report requires no additional action on the part of the applicant.
Employability Insights Plus
The Employability Insights Plus Report will utilize some of the cutting-edge information from neuroscience to help reach a more grounded understanding of how passions and judgment drive behavior and how behavior can help balance out passions and judgment. It provides a summary of the applicant’s Passion, DISC and Judgment compass reports and walks you through how to pull the important information that impacts performance potential in the areas of people, task, and systems.
Critical Thinking
This report will provide you with objective feedback, information, and practical improvement recommendations regarding key aspects that affect your critical thinking, by using the world-renowned Hartman Value Profile (HVP) which measures how you think and make judgments about situations. This assessment measures your Processing Tendency and provides a rating of your Critical Thinking Ability in the following six (6) key areas: Intuitive Thinking; Practical Thinking; Systems/Conceptual Thinking; Personal Strengths; Execution Ability; Objective Ability.
Critical Thinking at Work
This report will provide you with objective feedback, information, and practical improvement recommendations regarding key aspects that affect your critical thinking in a work situation, by using the world-renowned Hartman Value Profile (HVP) which measures how you think and make judgments about situations. This assessment measures your Processing Tendency and provides a rating of your Critical Thinking Ability in the following six (6) key areas: Intuitive Thinking; Practical Thinking; Systems/Conceptual Thinking; Personal Strengths; Execution Ability; Objective Ability.
JUDGMENTcompass Coaching
Once a candidate joins your team the arguably most important component of this series is the Coaching Report that identifies areas of strength, areas for growth, and areas where potential blocks in judgment can lead to performance issues. This provides incredibly important information for the manager, team members, and the L&D departments as they chart a development course to keep a top hire engaged.
Personal Insights Plus Coaching
In combining the information from the three sections of this report (DISC, Motivators and Judgment) you will gain a great depth of understanding about yourself and how you relate to others, how you go about carrying out your daily tasks, and how well you see the big picture and set goals to drive for. You may have understood aspects you get from each section before, but the presentation of the information will give you a language and depth of understanding that surpasses anything you may have known. The best part, in learning about yourself, any leader will also gain the language and understanding to better relate to the people around them, to improve education, to improve communication, to improve engagement, and ultimately improve performance!
Other Reports
Emotional Intelligence (EIQ2)
Emotional Intelligence is all about understanding and managing yourself and also understanding and managing others. It is based on an internal loop that begins with awareness of our own emotions and temperament. It continues on through self-understanding and moves towards discipline and management of the self. It then repeats these steps by connecting to the emotions of others to build more effective relationships.
Sales IQ Plus
The Sales IQ Plus assessment is an objective analysis designed as a starting point — a type of ‘personalized map’ for your sales knowledge at this moment in time. It tells you where you are, why you are there and how to improve by offering specific insights and responses based on your assessment results.
Leadership Effectiveness 360
This assessment includes your self-assessment of your leadership effectiveness as well as invited observers with whom you interact with and/or lead. The insight from this assessment will unlock and enhance the parts of leadership that are natural strengths and help you work on areas with potential for improvement to make you a more well-rounded, balanced, and adaptable leader.
Virtual Training
Course Description Syllabus Uses
HireSense Certification
*This 4½-hour course is required to use our HireSense tool.
Would you like to Identify the right person, for the right job, the first time? Traditional hiring process is typically focused on Skills, Experience and References. But wouldn’t you like to know if a candidate is a fit for your company culture? Or that their soft skills meet your requirements?
Dive deeper with HireSense BEFORE the interview process begins, get the details hiding below the surface, and make more informed hiring decisions.
Finding the right talent is hard. HireSense makes it easier. Using HireSense saves money and time. Selecting the ideal candidate is more efficient, less time-consuming, and without bias.
A hiring process backed by science, not your gut. HireSense deploys a combination of 3 statistically validated assessments to discover deeper insights about each candidate.
HireSense has proven extremely effective with hiring and selection decisions for many organizations.
Level 1: A Quick Overview of HireSense
Level 2: Creating Benchmarks
Level 3: Creating Alerts
Level 4: Benchmark Comparison
Level 5: Understanding the HireSense Reports
Level 6: An Applicant Evaluation
Critical Thinking Certification
*This is a 5-hour course divided into multiple Levels.
It will introduce you to the short history and application of the Critical thinking Report. It will break down what Critical Thinking is and what influences the critical decisions we make. It also includes information on how to debrief the Critical Thinking report and some added knowledge of how to use it for coaching.
This is meant to be an introductory course, if you feel you still need additional training, please take the more advanced judgment compass training.
Level 1: Building Awareness
Level 2: Critical Thinking: Bridging the Gap – The Three Pathways
Level 3: Critical Thinking: A Look at the Self-Side – Personal
Level 4: Critical Thinking: Self-Side – Executive Ability
Level 5: Critical Thinking: Self-side – Objective Ability
Level 6: Critical Thinking: How to Use This Report
Personal Development
DISCcompass Worshop Facilitator Quest 1 – DcWF
*This 4-hour course is required to facilitate our DISCcompass Workshops and is ALSO a pre-requisite for those wishing to complete the Certified Professional Behavior Practitioner (CPBP).
Become certified to facilitate our highly regarded team building workshop based on our DISCcompass® behavioral assessment. This workshop has been in continuous use in numerous Fortune 500 companies as a cornerstone team-building workshop. It is used to increase communication, understanding, adapting skills and general team performance improvement. With certification you gain access to all the materials necessary to facilitate the workshop: PowerPoint Slide Deck, Facilitator manual, and permission to reprint Participant Guides. This workshop, provided by in-house trainers, is a very economical workshop only requiring purchase of the assessment for all participants. This certification qualifies for SHRM PDC’s.
Level 1: DISC History and Application
Level 2: Advanced Understanding of the Compass
Level 3: Understanding the Behavioral Tendencies
Level 4: DISCcompass Workshop Walk-Through
Workshop Facilitation Certification
Certified Professional Behavior Practitioner-CPBP – Quest 2
(Prerequisite of DcWF)
This is the 2nd quest in our 2-part series to become a Viatech Global Certified Professional Behavior Practitioner (CPBP).
Viatech’s CPBP program provides ongoing education for trainers and coaches who want to effectively use our DISC diagnostic tools within their organization.
This training takes even the most experienced trainer/coach (practitioner) to higher levels of understanding and effectiveness. You will go beyond understanding the classic traits of the four basic styles to having an in depth understanding how the strengths or limitations of each of the styles impact the other style elements.
The Certified Professional Behavior Practitioner training qualifies for SHRM PDC’s.
Level 1: Debriefing the Report
Level 2: Available Reports, Tools & Applications
Level 3: Reading Graphs & Behavioral Tendencies
Level 4: Coaching
Level 5: DISC Benchmarking
Level 6: Viatech Profiles Reports/Tools Overview
Level 7: Sharefile
Level 8: Intro to HireSense
Full Certification
Certified Professional Passions Certification – CPPP
Our Certified Professional Passion Practitioner (CPPP) program provides ongoing education for trainers and coaches who want to effectively use our Passion diagnostic tools within their organization.
The CPPP training will substantially enhance your knowledge of the 7 Dimensions of Passions, showing core values individually and how they interact together to drive our satisfaction.
Become an expert with our certification training. With training explicitly designed to foster a deeper understanding of the core assessments, you’ll discover how each assessment can be used to build more effective personal and professional relationships.
Level 1: The Why and Where of Passions
Level 2: The Seven Passions
Level 3: How Passions Combine
Level 4: Numbers, Synergy & Conflict
Level 5: Workshops, Debrief & Coaching
Level 6: Viatech Profiles & Group Profiles
Level 7: Using Passions in the Hiring Process
Level 8: Introduction to Sharefile
Coaching and Workshop Facilitation
Certified Professional Emotional Intelligence Practitioner – CPEIP
(Currently under development)
Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth (Mayer & Salovey, 1997). Research indicates that emotional intelligence can be learned and be measurable differences directly associated with professional and personal success. Furthermore, it may be responsible for up to 80% of the success we experience in life.
This assessment serves to: Heighten awareness of the various areas of emotional intelligence; Indicate relative strengths and weaknesses; Provide a framework for personal and professional improvement.
Level 1: Introduction to EQ
Level 2: 4 EQ Models
Level 3: EQ in the Workplace
Level 4: Boosting EQ
Level 5: Understanding the EiQ-2 Assessment
Level 6 – EQ Workshop Walk-Through
Coaching and Workshop Facilitation
Certified Professional Judgment Practitioner – CPJP
(Hartman Value Profile-HVP)
This is an 8-level course that will require outside readings and group work. It will introduce you to the history and application of how we make judgments and what influences the decisions we make. There will be many practical activities that will teach you how to interpret a Judgment report and some added knowledge of how to use ‘The JUDGMENTcompass’ for coaching and selection purposes.
Level 1: What is Judgment and Valuation?
Level 2: Identifying Style Combinations
Level 3: Understanding the Personal Styles
Level 4: Understanding the Practical Styles
Level 5: Understanding the Structured Style
Level 6: Understanding the Innovative Mindset
Level 7: How to Use the Report
Level 8: Review and Case Studies
Coaching and Workshop Facilitation
“Blending it All Together”
Certified Professional Insights Integration Practitioner – CPIIP
This is a 12 hour, 8-session course that will require outside readings and group work. It will introduce you to how an individual’s judgment ability can combine with behavioral tendencies and motivation. It will help you understand how an individual’s judgment can influence habitual responses and how our habitual responses can potentially influence judgment in different situations. Both of these scenarios can be further influenced by an individual’s motivations. There will be many practical activities that will help you identify the relationships between DISC, Motivation and Judgment.
Level 1: Background & Overview of Integration
Level 2: Review of Passions & DISC
Level 3: Integration of Just DISC and Passions
Level 4: Review of Judgment
Level 5: Integrating of DISC and Judgment
Level 6: Integrating of Passion, DISC & Judgment
Level 7: How do You Debrief Over All Three Reports
Level 8: Review, Review, Review
Coaching and Workshop Facilitation
Bundle of 4 Certifications
A combination of DISC, Passion, Judgment and Insights Integration Certifications for a total of approximately 48-hours of training.
Course 1: CPBP (includes DcWF is needed)
Course 2: CPPP
Course 3: CPJP
Course 4: CPIIP
Coaching and Workshop Facilitation

Get in touch with us so we can start helping you create better leaders for a better future ASAP