Certified Professional Passion Practitioner (CPPP) Training

Get certified at your own pace with our Certified Professional Passion Practitioner Training!

Our Certified Professional Passion Practitioner (CPBP) program provides ongoing education for trainers and coaches who want to effectively use our Passion diagnostic tools within their organization.
The CPPP training will substantially enhance your knowledge of the 7 Dimensions of Passions, showing core values individually and how they interact together to drive our satisfaction.
Become an expert with our certification training explicitly designed to foster a deeper understanding of the core assessments. You’ll discover how each assessment can be used to build more effective personal and professional relationships.
100% Virtual Training On Your Schedule.
Get certified at your own pace with 1:1, instructor-led sessions, entirely offered online. 
The Certified Professional Passion Practitioner will also qualify you for 12.75 SHRM PDC’s. 
For more information contact info@viatechglobal.com
Level 1: The Why and Where of Passions: The Passions that Move You: Understanding Drive and Motivation.
Level 2: The Seven Passions: A deeper dive into each of the 7 Passions: Aesthetic, Economic, Individualistic, Power, Altruistic, Regulatory, and Theoretical.


Level 3: How Passions Combine: Passions combine to: filter and guide decisions specifically toward results that reflect them; combine uniquely for each person to influence individual priorities and decision-making; help people to better understand their unique value or belief system.


Level 4: Numbers, Synergy & Conflict: Learn about the Average, Low, Very Low, High and Very High scores; the synergy and conflicts among the Passions.


Level 5: Workshops, Debrief & Coaching: Training others, debriefing their reports and facilitating coaching sessions.  Includes various activities to help your students (and yourself) learn more about aligning with your passion chart!


Level 6: Viatech Profiles & Group Profiles: Learn about the various Passion reports and free team reports.  Extend your training to assist with facilitating group sessions.


Level 7: Using Passions in the Hiring Process: An introduction to using passions during the Hiring Process.


Level 8: Introduction to Sharefile: ShareFile is a secure, cloud-based platform that Viatech Global uses to share documents and additional resource materials.
  • Includes license to use Workshop Training materials
  • PowerPoint Slide Deck and Workshop Participant Guide in PDF
  • Access to Instructor site for additional materials
  • Includes 5 PASSIONcompass profiles (retail value $400)

COST: Contact admin@viatechglobal.com

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