
Many supply chain industries have seen a significant demand to keep their shelves full and shipments moving.  How can you do that without the right people?  Many are just filling an open space, but what if you could do more and ensure that the quick fix is also a long-term gain.

Are you part of a supply company that has been forced to hire a lot of new employees to meet the emergency demands of our present economy? Despite your efforts, are you finding it hard to stay ahead of the demand and conduct the essential screening interviews to ensure you get the best workers? For many, the increase of hire is for an entry-level position, so the fast hire and quick fix seems to be the way to cope.

As an assessment supplier with 25 years’ experience, I lean towards assessing as a screening tool. Why interview someone you have no intention of hiring? It seems, in my experience, a lot of companies rely on a screening interview to assess the next steps before they pass on for further evaluation or rejection. Interviewing takes a significant level of experience and talent that not many of us are trained to do or excel at. Couple this with the 300+ biases of the human brain and there is the significant possibility that some good candidates don’t make the cut and some that should never have been considered do.  This is costly for everyone.

Our working clients have found that a focus on judgment can pare down the pool of applicants to the top potentials you really want to spend your time evaluating.   This saves time, money, and leads to hiring employees with excellent performance potential. Our judgment assessment is not a self-report screen, making it virtually impossible to game.  The assessment is objective because it requires the potential hire to process information and come to a conclusion in a short period.

In this pandemic world, you need the ability to act fast and hire quickly, but at the same time limit the possibility of making bad hires and to know what your applicant will be like after the interview. The cost of an assessment screening is easily offset by not having to do a screening interview. It is that simple and it is more reliable.

Keep in mind we are reacting to the current situation, trying to provide the best solution for the immediate need. Hiring for high-performance team members well suited for the job, the culture, and management style is a different challenge, but should not be lost in the moment.

Find out how you can reduce some of your risk of hiring by using our judgment screen as a part of your process.  Gain insight in ready time that will improve your long term outcome.

Let us show you a path to bettering hiring practices at a lower cost. Find a time to talk

Ever go to a social event and meet a person who just would not stop talking about themselves? You ask a friend about their vacation and before they get two sentences out this other person interrupts with their story of visiting that same place. Every time your friend tries to continue, the other guy interrupts with a bigger, better adventure. Or after asking you what you do for a living he goes on and on about his accomplishments with no prompting inquiry from you. Dominating the conversation, you’re stuck standing there nodding your head and mumbling “uh-huh” over and over. Bored to tears, you’re trying to figure out how to escape.

Does that person resemble you? In networking environments there is always the pressure to get your message out, but is that effective?  Only if by chance you randomly hit exactly on a pain point of the person you are conversing with. Otherwise you’ve been saddled with the description of a boor and have incentivized them to get away from you quickly. I’ve experienced that and been guilty of it.

As a very talkative person with strong convictions I must be very aware when I am dominating the conversation in not necessarily a good way. What I do now is ask questions; find out about them, their family, how long in the area, who do they work for, what is their position/department, use questions to show their potential as a prospect or influencer.  I’m looking for the potential of them being interested in what I have to offer.

Usually, once they have slowed down, they get around to asking me about me. Hopefully I’ve discovered enough to customize my delivery in a way that relates to something I’ve learned during my questioning phase. My goal is to use a related story about something we have done that relates to them. Once the conversation gets around to me, I usually dominate it. I’ll quite often get “Wow, I’ve experienced that same thing,” that opens additional conversation about potential solutions and away we go.

How do you handle networking conversations?  What techniques have you found helpful?

The workplace is a changed environment and we understand the challenges faced by organizations as a result of these changes. We’re no longer in a “climb the corporate ladder” environment; employees are ready for positions to open – and not at your organization. They understand the value of change and so should you. At Viatech Global we’re helping employers identify, engage and retain the right employees. We’re also helping resolve workplace issues among employees through our value science tools. Many employers are seeking cost-effective ways to re-build employee engagement.

We offer the following five reasons it will benefit the bottom line to work with us:

1.       Build and retain strong teams: Through our series of value science tools we are able to identify the key players of the organization. They may be different than who you perceive your leaders to be and that’s okay. We will help you create and re-create engaged teams who stay with your organization when others may leave.

2.       Cost effective employee training: One of our greatest assets is that we want to train your trainers on how to effectively utilize value science tools to create teams that are engaged and productive. We provide a variety of resources and certification through our certification program, ongoing classes, workshop materials and more.  Viatech University

3.       Value Science Tools: Our suite of assessments provides an in-depth view of employees’ strengths, behaviors and values. Not only will they learn about themselves through the process, your management team will learn how to effectively utilize employees.

4.       Cost savings and increased productivity: Review our case studies to see for yourself how our consulting services and programs help increase productivity and decrease costs at an array of organizations. Our client Memorial Hermann demonstrated approximately $42 million in annualized savings in their system of 27,000 employees.

5.       FREE Assessment: You can’t beat FREE! Please visit our website, fill out the information on  Viatech Global Free Assessment to receive a complimentary assessment and evaluation.

We value your time and desire to have you make an informed decision about working with us.

Please contact us for additional information and resources via phone at 505-765-9903 or 800-494-5218, via email at

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Wow, the buzz today is all about “Ghosting” – not showing up for an interview or even for work. Quitting without notification. Some blame the tight labor market giving talent many choices, some blame no job loyalty, others just say bad manners due to unethical behavior.

Part of this is the chickens coming home to roost. For many decades companies have forgone what was present in the 50’s and 60’s (anybody remember those?) when parental guidance supported loyalty and companies provided some security. Then pensions went away, job protections disappeared, attention to workers well-being and happiness abated all to the effect of “why should I care about the company I work for, they could give a s*** about me.”

Some of the advice to employers is to realize it is the new normal and just keep recruiting when, in fact, they have some culpability. To some extent, they have created the problem by not nurturing a culture that embraces people, helping them to develop along a path that satisfies both sides, selecting and training managers to be less autocratic and more open, being clear about company values and mission plus living them. These practices are embraced by companies like Google and Google does not seem to have a ghosting problem. If they do have a ghosting problem in some areas, I’ll venture it is because the principles laid out in the Book How Google Works are not effectively applied.

As an assessment provider we promote the use of these very insightful tools to not only guide the selection and hiring process, but continued use to integrate new employees into an organization, understand and implement development paths that serve both interests, even if that means helping them find a more suitable position in the organization or helping them find a position in another company.

Changing a company culture is very difficult. It requires great leadership, great managers, a clear promotion path and living the values and mission. The pinnacle of this effort is in the selection and mentoring of great leadership and management. For both of those positions it is not entirely about training and development. It is just as important to determine the innate desire to rise above all others. Understanding the personality; the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors is critical to promoting the highest talent to those levels.

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