Employee Retention

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At Viatech Global we take a science-based approach to employee productivity which is why we have been looking at how multi-tasking is killing productivity.  From the invention of the T.V. dinner to Tupperware to social media, Americans are constantly looking for better, faster ways to meet their goals.  Books have been written about increasing productivity and the secret to success and we’ve all read our fair share of business books.

The ironic part is there is no secret. Scientific studies have proven focus is the key to getting more done.

Which Decreases Your IQ More?  Sending an email while on the phone or smoking pot?

Researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of London conducted a study of 1,100 workers and determined that multitasking caused a greater decrease in IQ than smoking pot or losing a night of sleep.

Multi-tasking and Brain Function

Multi-tasking makes your brain move fast from task to task without processing the information to the extent it could if you did one task at a time.

Researchers call this “spotlighting”.  By tracking brain function of single-taskers versus multi-taskers, it has been consistently found that multi-taskers are not only the worse at filtering information, they are worse at switching between tasks than single-taskers.

Impact on the Workplace

While multi-tasking employees may seem to get more completed, it is actually the single-tasking employees who are producing more for the company.  Single-tasking means using the brain optimally, without distraction, which means a better product at the end of the project or task.

How can we help employees learn the value of single tasking?

  • Teaching managers about the value of single-tasking, and gaining their support, are keys to being a single-focus production team. That’s not to say everyone focuses on one project at a time.  Rather it means removing the culture of multi-tasking to a culture of project-focused employees.
  • Create an Environment where single-tasking is encouraged. Rather than one team working on multiple projects, create teams that focus on one project.  Each single focus team can provide ideas and feedback to other teams to keep ideas and energy fresh on the teams.
  • Teach employees the value of single tasking and create areas of the office where they can focus solely on phone calls, for example. This eliminates the distraction of checking email while on the phone as well as the distraction of other employees while focused on a call.
  • Change work location at least once a day. This is important especially with a work-from-home team.  Leaving the house to work at a coffee shop or getting up from workspace to take a walk are two ways to encourage focus and single-tasking.

Identifying the key players in this new culture of single-tasking can be challenging and we can help.

At Viatech Global,  http://www.viatechglobal.com/  we provide value science tools to help employers identify, engage, and retain employees who support the workplace culture of increasing productivity and employee engagement.

Contact Michael@viatechglobal.com to see how we can assist your organization today!


Is Multi-tasking Killing Your Productivity? Read More »

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Recent trends indicate American workers are increasingly leaving or looking to leave their current places of employment. Maybe you’re seeing this at your company and are wondering who and why. Who is going to do the work of the key players who have left? Why are employees leaving?

To understand why employees leave a company, let’s look at why they accepted a position at your company:


When these things cease to exist employees are left with a JOB. They want a CULTURE. They want to be appreciated, trusted, supported and engaged in their work and the company. As their colleagues and friends are laid off or forced into positions they don’t want just to keep a job, employees start looking for work elsewhere.

Here are the top four reasons employees are leaving the company:

Dis-engagement: In an economy of nine percent employment your workforce is concerned with the bottom line second to surviving the next round of cutbacks. Cutbacks can include layoffs or reorganization wherein employees and managers are forced into roles they would otherwise not have chosen. They are working in positions that don’t fit their personality, behaviors and skills creating an environment of dis-engagement.

Workplace Culture: Have you created a culture that meets the needs of employees? Whether it’s money, fun, time off, career training and development, your managers and employees want a work/life balance. They want to know you care about and listen to their ideas. Demonstrating you understand and care about them is key to a culture where employees are engaged.

Lack of understanding: Companies around the globe are concerned with the survival of the company without understanding the employees are a huge part of the survival. You may be laying off someone who can benefit the business in a different role. That quiet guy in the corner? He might want to teach what he knows to his colleagues. The marketing specialist may be better suited to project management. Understanding what makes your employees unique will (or should) drive their role in the company.

Communication: Understanding your employees beyond their resume and current position is key to retaining them in your organization. Hiring the right employees includes hiring managers who have a clear understanding of the mission, vision and values of your organzation – and the ability to implement this culture on their teams.

At Viatech Global we’re helping employers identify, engage and retain the right employees. We accomplish this through our value science tools combined with ongoing training, coaching, and team development. We help your business  gain the greatest value from your human resources investment.

Contact us today to learn more.


Top 4 Reasons Employees are Leaving the Company Read More »

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