
Are you tired of sifting through countless resumes and conducting multiple interviews, only to end up with a high-risk hire?  In today’s competitive job market, finding the right candidate is more challenging than ever.  That’s where HireSense comes

At HireSense, we understand the importance of selecting candidates with the necessary qualifications and the right fit for your organization.  Our innovative approach streamlines the hiring process, saving you time, money, and potential headaches. 

Here’s what sets HireSense apart:

Speed and Efficiency: 

We accelerate hiring by comparing qualified applicants to predetermined behavioral benchmarks and personality targets.  This means you can focus your attention on the most promising candidates, ensuring a quicker path to success. 

Cost Savings: 

Traditional interviewing methods can be costly, especially when interviewing a large pool of qualified applicants.  HireSense identifies the applicants best suited to the job, allowing you to prioritize your resources on those with the highest chance of success.  Say goodbye to unnecessary interviews and hello to cost-effective hiring. 

Bias Reduction: 

We all have biases, but minimizing their impact is crucial in fair and effective hiring.  HireSense eliminates bias by evaluating applicant data first, before any interviews take place.  By removing the initial subjective assessment, you can make more objective decisions based on the insights provided by HireSense.   

Insightful Evaluation: 

HireSense provides a concise evaluation of each applicant, combining graphical data with descriptive summaries of their behavioral style, motivation, and judgment.  This comprehensive picture helps you understand their strengths and limitations, enabling you to make well-informed hiring decisions.     

Targeted Interviews: 

Our platform guides you with relevant interview questions tailored to each candidate, based on the data collected by HireSense.  This targeted approach ensures that you extract the most valuable information during interviews, saving time and maximizing efficiency.

Results Interpretation: 

With HireSense, you have access to training resources that help you develop position benchmarks, interpret comparison alerts, and fully understand the data.  Additionally, you can choose to work with a professionally trained practitioner who can guide you through the process, ensuring optimal results. 

In summary, HireSense offers a faster selection process, cost savings, and improved hiring outcomes.  By identifying high-risk
candidates early on, you can safeguard your company from potential disruptions caused by a bad hire.

Don’t let the challenges of hiring high-value employees hold you back.  Choose HireSense and experience a smarter, more efficient way to find the perfect fit for your organization.  Get in touch with us today and let us transform your hiring process for the better.  


Imagine reclaiming the 23 hours typically spent screening candidates for a vacant position. More than half of today’s talent acquisition leaders acknowledge the formidable challenge of sifting through a vast applicant pool to fill a position, a task exacerbated by the ongoing COVID crisis that demands recruitment teams to achieve more with fewer resources. This situation raises concerns about the inherent biases in the interviewing process.

Enter HireSense, a revolutionary web-based assessment app designed to streamline your hiring process. By leveraging HireSense, you can efficiently narrow down your applicant pool to individuals deserving of your attention, ensuring a more accurate and effective process.

HireSense excels at evaluating candidates’ judgment, motivation, and behavioral styles in alignment with your job requirements. During the interview, your focus shifts to exploring how applicants have applied their strengths in previous work experiences. This targeted behavioral interviewing approach enhances the likelihood of selecting the most suitable candidate for the job.

The app provides a set of interview questions that facilitate a deeper exploration of candidates’ abilities. These questions are crafted based on judgment alerts, offering a structured framework around behavior benchmarks and the motivations driving each applicant.

Additionally, HireSense helps mitigate biases often present in resumes. Recognizing that resumes can be up to 40% inaccurate, as they might be written by someone else and may contain misleading information, the app’s interview questions, combined with specific inquiries tailored to your company, saves time and contributes to a more unbiased hiring process.

The HireSense interview questions and some specific questions related to your company will ensure you save time and reduce bias in your hiring process. The LinkedIn Talent Solution Guide is an excellent source for additional interview questions that you can adapt to your company and job position.

In the final step of your hiring process, after identifying a candidate matching the established fit requirements from the benchmarking/alerts phase, utilize the Top Position Based Interview Questions to gauge their understanding of the position’s demands thoroughly. This strategic approach, powered by HireSense, ensures a more effective and informed hiring decision.

Should we reevaluate the interview process?  Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, initially struggled with interviewing and took time to improve.  But not everyone has that luxury.  Do we really need multiple interviewers?  It can be costly and lead to biased decisions, like rejecting an applicant for an innocuous pronoun.  This wastes time and resources, potentially missing out on great hires.

Why does it matter?

In a competitive talent market, finding suitable people is challenging.  Attracting and retaining the right talent often takes a backseat.  Some companies adopt a “hire anyone available” approach, offering short-term solutions but creating long-term problems.  Conversely, companies that prioritize their employees, understand them, and care for them thrive.  For example, Patagonia maintains a low attrition rate of 5%, while the US average prior to the pandemic was 42%, recently rising to 47.2%.  Surprisingly, 33% of surveyed employees quit within the first 90 days.

A survey in 2018 found that nearly 500 individuals quit within three months of starting a new job.  About half of them cited a mismatch between the job and their interview expectations.

Our aim is to help companies make better hiring decisions.  In one case, a client requested an evaluation of a candidate for a specific role.  We found the candidate adequate but not exceptional.  After a few months, the client expressed dissatisfaction with the employee’s performance.  Upon investigation, we discovered a discrepancy between the client’s requirements and the actual needs due to a poorly defined job description.  We offered to mediate with the employee, and it became clear that the employee was unaware of the job expectations.  Eventually, the employee chose to quit upon realizing the misalignment.  This situation raises the question of why the employee was unaware of the expectations. 

The hiring process should focus on specifying talent requirements and assessing fit.  Specifying talent is straightforward and can be easily validated.  Fit assessment is more challenging and often leads to hiring failures.  Relying solely on interviews, a subjective process, for fit assessment is inadequate.

Resumes help assess education, skills, and experience, but applicants often exaggerate or lie to some extent.  Fit assessment is where the process often breaks down.  An impressive resume may mislead and lead to biased decisions. 

So, what can we do?

Using validated assessments is a step in the right direction.  Choosing appropriate assessments and interpreting them correctly is crucial.  Clear job descriptions that outline expectations and success metrics are essential.  Creating benchmarks to measure candidates against is important but requires effort.  This approach makes the process faster and more accurate.

Data plays a crucial role.  Gathering relevant data before interviews and objectively prioritizing the best candidate can significantly improve outcomes.  Save the interview for the final stage, eliminating the need for a screening interview.  Reserve it for your best interviewer, focusing on talent and fit.  Building effective teams relies on talent, fit, analysis, and training. 

All of the above is encompassed in HireSense.  Screening for fit saves time, reduces costs, and yields better results.  It requires attention to detail.

How about a no-risk, no-cost option to give it a try?  Schedule a short demo at

Many supply chain industries have seen a significant demand to keep their shelves full and shipments moving.  How can you do that without the right people?  Many are just filling an open space, but what if you could do more and ensure that the quick fix is also a long-term gain.

Are you part of a supply company that has been forced to hire a lot of new employees to meet the emergency demands of our present economy? Despite your efforts, are you finding it hard to stay ahead of the demand and conduct the essential screening interviews to ensure you get the best workers? For many, the increase of hire is for an entry-level position, so the fast hire and quick fix seems to be the way to cope.

As an assessment supplier with 25 years’ experience, I lean towards assessing as a screening tool. Why interview someone you have no intention of hiring? It seems, in my experience, a lot of companies rely on a screening interview to assess the next steps before they pass on for further evaluation or rejection. Interviewing takes a significant level of experience and talent that not many of us are trained to do or excel at. Couple this with the 300+ biases of the human brain and there is the significant possibility that some good candidates don’t make the cut and some that should never have been considered do.  This is costly for everyone.

Our working clients have found that a focus on judgment can pare down the pool of applicants to the top potentials you really want to spend your time evaluating.   This saves time, money, and leads to hiring employees with excellent performance potential. Our judgment assessment is not a self-report screen, making it virtually impossible to game.  The assessment is objective because it requires the potential hire to process information and come to a conclusion in a short period.

In this pandemic world, you need the ability to act fast and hire quickly, but at the same time limit the possibility of making bad hires and to know what your applicant will be like after the interview. The cost of an assessment screening is easily offset by not having to do a screening interview. It is that simple and it is more reliable.

Keep in mind we are reacting to the current situation, trying to provide the best solution for the immediate need. Hiring for high-performance team members well suited for the job, the culture, and management style is a different challenge, but should not be lost in the moment.

Find out how you can reduce some of your risk of hiring by using our judgment screen as a part of your process.  Gain insight in ready time that will improve your long term outcome.

Let us show you a path to bettering hiring practices at a lower cost. Find a time to talk

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